Tech Days West Workshop: Bunkers at Tribute Golf Course in Wausau
Registration closed at 12:00pm (noon) on Wednesday, October 30, 2019.
We're offering a variety of technology sessions, all in one day! You, your staff, and trustees are invited to attend.
Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Time: 9:00am - 3:30pm
Location: Bunkers at Tribute Golf Course, 1001 Golf Club Road, Wausau, WI 54403 (map)
This workshop is full of good stuff for you to learn & take back to your library. Here's the schedule:
9:00 - 9:25am — sign in, and light refreshments
9:30 - 9:35am — welcome, orientation, and introductions
Part 1: I Hate This Website: Updating Websites to Stay Current While Still Keeping your Patrons Happy.
We've all been the victim of the dreaded website update - your favorite website gets an update and suddenly you can't find anything that you need. It's like being put in a new city without a map. However, websites cannot stay the same - they must update to stay current, hip, accessible and eye-catching. Library websites are no exception. How do we ensure that when we are giving our websites a facelift that our patrons can still successfully navigate the page? Our first session will focus on website trends and examine how websites have evolved over time to give us a better idea of where we are going. If we know where we are going, we can provide a better user experience for our patrons.

• understand the evolving nature of website design and what the current trends for library websites are today.
• build a survey that allows to test user experience on a new library website that reviews layout, content and design.
• explain the basic tenets of website design and better prioritize the digital needs of their website's users
Part 2: Mind the Gap: How to Navigate your Way Across the Digital Divide (and Why That isn't as Easy as it Sounds).
The headline version is simple - the 'born digital' generation can handle any technology changes that come their way and the older generations cannot - but is that true? How do librarians keep themselves up-to-date on new tech developments and ensure that patrons who need help with tech are able to find it? In this session, we'll explore the concept of the digital divide, examine just where this divide exists, and how we as librarians can help bridge the gap to keep all our patrons, digitally competent or otherwise, happy.
After this session, participants will be able to...
• discuss the concept of a digital divide in terms of age, race, gender and class.
• create library space that is welcoming to people of all levels of technological competence.
• locate tools and resources to assist patrons who may want help using new technology.
About our guest presenter: Kris Turner is the Assistant Director of Public Services at the University of Wisconsin Law Library where he oversees the Reference and Circulation departments. Kris previously worked as a Technology Librarian, where he was responsible for investigating and adopting new technology tools for library use and training staff and patrons on the best tools for research, productivity and organization. He has spoken at numerous national and local conferences about technology, generational management, library workflows and more.
12:00 - 1:00pm — lunch. Options: pay $10 for a taco and nacho bar, or you may bring your own. (NWLS will reimburse their member libraries' staff for food and mileage costs.)
• Digital Security + Privacy Basics.
This session is designed to develop understanding for library staff to feel empowered as stewards of digital access in their communities. We will define security threats, encryption, strong password practices, and privacy tools to consider for your library network or recommend to patrons. We'll discuss the role libraries can play in promoting "privacy literacy" and resources to keep you up-to-date in this continually evolving field. Presenter Samantha Link has worked with public libraries across South Central and Winding Rivers Library Systems in programming and staff training.
• Productivity and Technology.
It may be hard to remember sometimes, but technology is here to make your life easier. There are some great tools out there to help you be more productive and efficient, both on the job and at home. Join us as we do a rapid-fire review of a series of great low-cost and free tools that prove that technology is still your friend. Presenter: Kris Turner (Assistant Director of Public Services, University of Wisconsin Law Library).
• You Can Do IT!
Do library staff know “everything” about computers? Of course not! But we can be ready with resources to help when tech gets tricky. This workshop will cover troubleshooting techniques, connector cords and WiFi 101, tips on OverDrive’s Libby app, and ways to support beginning technology users. Plus we’ll have time for open knowledge-sharing about common issues and each other’s tech victories. Presenter Samantha Link has worked with public libraries across South Central and Winding Rivers Library Systems in programming and staff training.
• Database Down Low.
Haven't had time to check out all Badgerlink and WVLS have to offer when it comes to databases? Come hear Rachel Metzler and Anne Hamland from WVLS share some highlights from each offering. They will share tips and tricks so you can help our library patrons get the best search results.
3:15 - 3:30pm — Wrap-up
Continuing education contact hours for the full day:
- Technology-related contact hours: 6
- Total contact hours: 6
There is no charge to attend any of the Tech Days West workshops, thanks to sponsorship by the IFLS Library System, Northern Waters Library Service, Winding Rivers Library System, Wisconsin Valley Library Service, and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Public Library Development Team, with funding support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Register using the form below: